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WITH @ Hayward Gallery

In 2007 we were commissioned to present WITH to the public by Hayward Gallery in London. We decided to use the opportunity to recruit some new staff to the company. We also had a small team of WITH agents exercising on behalf of some well known performance artists who were also displaying product on the same evening. 

WITHRECRUIT at the Hayward, London. 2007

Live Performance at the Hayward in 2007. The audience is guided through WITH's agent recruitment process.


WITHRECRUIT at the Hayward, London. 2007

This film was part of WITHRecruit at the Hayward. Prospective WITH Agents are taken through their paces by the company directors Alan Donaldson and Samson Paul.

© Al Hopwood 2004-2024. All Rights Reserved. 


Al Hopwood has worked under the guise of WITH since 2004. His artist website can be found hereWITH was produced and developed in collaboration with John Parkin from 2004-2019. Exhibitions and performances were created in collaboration with Sean Parfitt between 2005-2011. From 2005-2006 WITH Projects were co-funded Arts Council England. The WITH logo was designed by Will Bloor. 


Al Hopwood also works under the name A.R. Hopwood and is responsible for the False Memory Archive and


This website and all future WITH projects are dedicated to the loving memory of John Parkin (1973 - 2019)

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