our solutions | this is for you
19 fauxbia
In fauxbia we'll realise your worst fears.
You can commission us to experience a number of future 'worst case scenarios' on your behalf. During each act we'll pretend to be you and selected evidence of each offset misfortune will be distributed across a variety of social networks.
This solution is an ideal accompaniment to traumaformer and we're currently offering a 2 for 1 package deal on both services.
20 anomelastic
In anomelastic we'll contact you if you die.
We'll use all contemporary and traditional forms of communication and we won't stop until we get a satisfactory reply. Whether for work or personal reasons anomelastic is a perfect way to maintain relationships in the most difficult circumstances. All communications will be archived in an attractive manner and presented to your friends and family in a wooden box.
22 cnuts
In cnuts we'll take something away.
We'll remove something from you every week for a minimum period of 10 years without you knowing. By the time you realise what's missing it will be too late to do anything about it.
Evidence of the process can be buried in a forest or presented in a variety of disintegrating formats.
23 provocatithe
In provocatithe we'll do something unexpected.
Acts could include: running around naked, ejaculating fluid, deliberately kicking something, shooting a nonessential body part, frolicking around in excrement, getting a facial tattoo, humiliating the vulnerable and smashing a glass.
Each act will be performed in a public place in front of your friends
and family.