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WITH @ ICA London

In 2006 we were commissioned to present WITH to the public by the ICA in London as part of a residency curated by Jennifer Thatcher. We used the opportunity to present some of our client case studies to the public. We worked with actors to adapt the stories which included examples of our traumaformer, miraclemaker and comewithme solutions. 


Press and essays about the residency 

WITHWATER at the ICA, London. 2006


In a performance at the ICA the actor / playwright Gary Abrahams adapted some of our client case studies for a series of monologues. The event was described as a launch for our 'elixir catalyst' WITH WATER however halfway through it was hijacked by a seemingly dispossessed group of WITH clients... 


WITHTV at the ICA: We Are With You, London. 2006


In our a performance at the ICA we interviewed our client of the year Jane York about her suite of WITH solutions on the fictional WITH TV shopping channel. Jane was played by Margaret Cabourn-Smith (Motherland, Miranda), 'Agent' by David Morley Hale and our presenter was actor Gary Abrahams. 


traumaformer at the ICA, London. 2006


In our first performance at the ICA our Australian client John McCarthy (played by actor / WITH agent David Morley Hale) described his experiences on the WITH produced makeover TV show RE:Design Your Life: Downunder. The video above is edited highlights from the performance.


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